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How to Recognize Early Signs of Oral Cancer: Insights from a Dentist

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Oral cancer starts from any type of small tooth problem like decay or pain. Diagnosing the early signs of mouth cancer will reduce the possibility of oral cancer within some years. Patients with normal tooth problems such as pain decay and bad breath should visit a dentist to check the early symptoms of oral cancer.

Choosing the treatment of an LA dentist gives relief from all the common tooth problems. These dentists can cure mouth cancer at the earliest by checking its signs and symptoms. This blog defines the ways to identify the early signs of oral cancer.

Common signs of mouth or oral cancer

The signs of oral cancer may vary from person to person such as:

  • Patches that appear to be red or white on the mouth
  • Ulcers that never heal in the mouth
  • Sore throat that never heals
  • Swellings in the mouth
  • Bad breath or tooth pain
  • Problems in the speech
  • Difficulty in swallowing the food
  • Weight loss

Patients with these signs and symptoms must visit a dentist to get them cured.

Some facts of Oral Cancer

  • Around 49000 and more patients in the United States get diagnosed every year
  • More than 9750 people in the United States die due to oral cancer every year
  • Many people with oral cancer live more than 5 years 

Routine to follow for patients with early signs of mouth cancer

Patients must follow some steps in routine while checking the signs of oral cancer:

  • Lips

Patients may suffer from sores in the lower lips if they have oral cancer. Some bumps may also appear on the upper lips. A lump in the mouth is another sign of oral cancer.

  • Head and neck

The common way to check the mouth cancer is whether there is any lump or bump on the sides of the face. Any type of tenderness or a lump also indicates oral cancer.

  • Cheeks

Patients with oral cancer may experience dark or white patches on the cheeks. They can check the cheeks whether there is any lump or ulcer.

  • Tongue

The color or texture of the tongue may change in mouth cancer. These signs can be checked by pulling out a tongue.Dental Fillings

  • The floor of the mouth

The floor of the mouth may experience a sudden change in the color. It may also have some kind of swellings or lumps which are unusual in appearance.

  • Roof of the mouth

The dentist will check the roof of the mouth whether there is any kind of lump or change in color.

Early detection of mouth cancer can be done by visiting any dentist and through a routine dental checkup.

When to visit a dentist?

Many people experience Canker sores for 2 weeks. But if these last longer than 2 weeks, they must take a bit of medical advice. Patients who think they have oral cancer must go to the dentist as early as possible. A dentist will examine the mouth and detect the signs of oral cancer.

They will look for common symptoms such as:

  • painful areas in the mouth
  • Weight loss 
  • Inability to speak

Healthcare professionals will ask the patients to go for a biopsy if they detect any signs. Biopsy will identify the growth of any cancerous cells in the mouth.


One must visit twice a year to a dentist for a regular dental checkup. A regular dental visit helps to identify the early signs of oral cancer and reduce them in a few years. Early treatment will reduce the growth of precancerous cells in the mouth. Patients must avoid chewing tobacco products and smoking cigarettes to reduce the risk of oral cancer.