Breast augmentation is also called as “boob job.” In this process breast implants or the transfer of fat is done to increase the size of a person’s breast.
There are different types of breast implants available.
Saline Breast Implants
Sterile salt water is implanted in this method. If the shell of the implant leaks, the whole process will collapse and the saline will get absorbed by the body and will be expelled out naturally.
FDA approved saline implants for a woman above 18-years of age. It gives a uniform shape to the breasts.
Saline Breast Implants Structured
In this type of implants, an inner structure is given, which gives the implant a more natural feel. The implants are sterile salt water filled.
Silicone Implants
Silicone gel is used in this type of implants. The gel gives a more natural feel very close to breast tissue. If anyway the implant leaks, the gel won’t go out of the implant shell, and if it escapes, it will go in the implant pocket. The implant will never collapse if it is leaked.
When you use a silicone implant, you need to visit your surgeon regularly and make sure that the implants are working properly. The surgeons will ensure it by an MRI or ultrasound.
FDA has approved this silicone implants for any woman who is more than 22 years of age.
Gummy Bear Breast Implants
In this type of implants, the breasts still maintain their shape even if the shell of the implant is broken. Silicone gel is used for this type of implants, but the consistency of the gel is much thicker.
Round Breast Implants
For breast reconstruction, this method works well. You can have a fuller breast. The higher the profile you select, the higher the projection you are going to get.
Smooth Breast Implants
The breasts feel very soft. They will move with the implant pocket which will give them more natural look.
Textured Breast Implants
They develop scar tissue which helps the implant to stick and so the implant won’t be able to move around.